
Wanted: Monty Mole Crash Readers Award

For the coveted Crash Magazine Reader’s Awards in 1984 Gremlin’s Monty Mole won by a comfortable margin over Jet Set Willy, taking over 40% of the total vote. Third in line was Frank N. Stein from P.S.S. It was an incredible achievement for Peter, especially up against Matthew Smith’s iconic platformer.

Monty Mole sprang to fame via the TV news, with its timely caricature of Miners’ leader Arthur Scargill, but it was the complexity of playing the platform style game that gave it appeal, along with its lively graphics. One reviewer said, ‘The graphics, design and animation of all the moving characters is excellent, amusing and attractive, and that adds quite a bit to the playability of the game.’




Categories:   1984, 8-Bit, Games, Multimedia, Platform, PR Material, The Company, Year, ZX Spectrum


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