
Hero Quest 2 Artwork

Artwork from Hero Quest 2: Legacy of Sorasil an isometric role-playing game that was released on Amiga 1200 and CD32 in 1994 by Gremlin Graphics.

P1000866 P1000857 P1000859 P1000860

Categories:   16-Bit, 1994, Amiga, Amiga CD32, Artwork, Box Art / Inlays, Games, Platform, Year


  • Posted: 2nd December 2019 16:21


    Any chance to see the artwork for the other heroes? (especially Dwarf and Elf)
    • Posted: 2nd December 2019 17:03


      I would post it if I had it. I may ask if more lofts can be raided to see if any other artwork exists!
      • Posted: 24th August 2021 22:30


        Hello, is there any news about the other artworks?
  • Posted: 11th August 2022 22:15


    I wanted to ask one more thing: The artwork on this page were featured on the rear box of the game; I know the front cover was drawn by Staz Johnson so I guess he also drawn the single character artworks as well. The only character missing from the rear box was the mystic (she is the blonde lady dressing only a blue cloak and a chainmail bikini)! My guessing here is an official art for the mystic also existed but she was not featured on the rear box because of censorship as her outfit may have been looked too sexy for that time. Can it be?

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